For sustainability to work it must be managed and measured. Any company or organisation that commits to making a real contribution to advancing sustainability has to understand the gains, the challenges – and even fails – in order to deliver it.
Structure and information are the keys to delivering sustainability. Tratos created a structure that gives clear responsibilities and reporting lines.
“Sustainability needs structure, measurement, and management”

Ultimately responsible for the delivery of sustainability is the Tratos board. They are behind the concept and driven to achieve those goals.
Sustainability is a developing area. New technologies and practices come online frequently, and those must be monitored to ensure Tratos’ sustainability focus is always supported with the best tools for success.
Day-to-day management is split by responsibilities. Goals are set and agreed upon with everyone understanding where their own, and others, responsibilities start and finish – and how they fit into the wider picture.
HR is responsible for sustainability, equality, ethical treatment, wellbeing, and more for staff and supply chain colleagues.
Senior technical directors are charged with pushing boundaries with new compounds, processes, and installation methods – toward the greatest sustainability and work toward company-wide clean energy and process goals – for Tratos’ operating methods and the products and services it offers clients.
The overarching direction, quality monitoring and insights, innovation, sustainability; partnership initiatives, and evaluation is carried out by the board, including the General Manager, led by the CEO.
For external initiatives Tratos seeks to support, one senior person will own the project and the relationship. Supporting our pledge to contribute to the new Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse for example, we will also allocate responsibility to one senior person, in this case, our General Manager Ms Zilah Skerritt.
Senior decision-makers make a commitment to be a part of this responsibility framework. Because Tratos is wholly family-owned it always plans for the long-term. Its sustainability strategy is a culturally embedded commitment that will continue through leadership succession. It will remain in place across generations.
Thanks to family ownership and direction and alignment with family and business values, Tratos is in a position to ensure money is invested to innovate in more sustainable products and practices in order to make real progress for the company, and for its clients. Tratos believes this is how companies with real commitment reveal themselves – and, ultimately, make a real difference.