Energy Cables / Low Voltage Cables - LV / LV Energy Cables IEC Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
British Standards Institution (BSI) is the UK National Standards body covering both electrical and non-electrical matters. It is an independent organisation incorporated by Royal Charter which, although deriving some of its income from HMG, it is not owned by them, its Head Quarters are London.
Electrotechnical matters including British Standard Cables are dealt with by British Electrotechnical Committee L/- -.
Two very active and important Technical Committee’s within L/- – are
GEL/20 – Electric cables which is responsible for producing the British Standards covering insulated conductors, electric cables and flexible cords along with their accessories, for both low and high voltages however they do not cover telecommunications wires and cables. GEL/20 is also responsible for the UK input to the work of IEC/TC20 (Worldwide) and CENELEC/TC 20 (European) and their subcommittees.
EPL/46 – Cables, wires and waveguides, radio frequency connectors and accessories for communication and signalling which is responsible for producing the British Standards covering cables having metallic conductors, wires, waveguides, r.f.connectors, and accessories for analogue and digital transmission systems and equipment for communication and signalling.
Tratos UK Ltd has access to contribute to the important work of these technical committees, via membership of its trade body, the British Cable Association.
Cables manufactured in accordance with BS Standards are recognised and respected worldwide. Given below is an indicative range of the Electrotechnical British Standards (BS) for cables to which Tratos (UK) Ltd manufactures cables.
Tratos also manufacture a comprehensive range of cable in accordance with other National and International cable standards which are available on request.
Note: one important, fundamental point to understand is that all Standards are purely voluntary they are not mandatory. In order for the requirements of a Standard to become mandatory, rather like the Highway Code, they must have this conferred upon them by legislation.
Some important and popular British Standards Cables (BS) are:
BS 6883 Elastomer insulated cables for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units. Requirements and test methods
BS 7629 Electric cables. Specification for 300/500 V fire-resistant, screened, fixed installation cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire. Multicore cables
BS 7846 Electric cables. Specification for Thermosetting insulated, armoured, fire-resistant cables of rated voltage 600/1 000 V for fixed installations, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire.
BS 7870 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities.
BS 8491 Method for assessment of fire integrity of large diameter power cables for use as components for smoke and heat control systems and certain other active fire safety systems.
BS 6231 – Electric cables. Single core PVC insulated flexible cables of rated voltage 600/1000 V for switchgear and controlgear wiring
BS 6622 – Armoured cables with thermosetting insulation for rated voltages from 3.8/6.6 kV to 19/33 kV – Requirements and test methods
BS 7917 – Elastomer insulated fire resistant (limited circuit integrity) cables for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units. Requirements and test methods.
BS 7211 – Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated and thermoplastic sheathed cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V for electric power and lighting and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire.
BS 8573 – Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated, non-armoured cables with a voltage of 600/1 000V, for fixed installations, having low emissions of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire.
BS IEC 63026 – Submarine power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 60 kV (Um = 72,5 kV). Test methods and requirements.
BS 6708 Flexible cables for use at mines and quarries
BS 5467 Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated armoured cables of rated voltages of 600/1 000 V and 1 900/3 300 V for fixed installations.
BS 6724 Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated, armoured cables of rated voltages of 600/1 000 V and 1 900/3 300 V for fixed installations, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire.
Energy Cables / Low Voltage Cables - LV / LV Energy Cables IEC Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / LV Energy Cables DNO / Auxiliary LV cables DNO Energy Cables / Low Voltage Cables - LV / LV Energy Cables BS
Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / LV Energy Cables DNO / Auxiliary LV cables DNO Energy Cables / Low Voltage Cables - LV / LV Energy Cables BS
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Pantograph cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Special Cables / Instrumentation Cables Special Cables / Oil & Gas Cables / Petrochemical Cables
Energy Cables / Low Voltage Cables - LV / LV Energy Cables BS Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / LV Energy Cables DNO / Waveform Distribution LV cables DNO
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