Tratos supplies a comprehensive range of Distribution Network Operator (DNO) approved cables for UK Power Networks (UKPN). The long partnership has seen the delivery of such cables directly from Tratos’ stock or on short manufacturing lead times for special cables needed for larger projects.
Tratos is a reliable supplier of DNO approved cables for the exclusive use of UK Power Networks (UKPN).
UK Power Networks (UKPN) is the UK’s biggest electricity distributor. They own and maintain electricity cables and lines across London, the South East and East of England. They maintain and upgrade power equipment in this area, which delivers power supplies to 8.3 million homes and businesses and covers more than 29,000 square kilometres from The Wash in the East to the River Arun on the South Coast.

UK Power Networks estimates there are more than two million Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across London, the East and South-East where it delivers electricity, and staff have found new ways to help them overcome challenges which have intensified over the past year.
The UKPN was the first distribution network operator (DNO) to design a customer-driven definition of SME vulnerability. This means an SME business where a single power cut, even if short, has a significant impact on the lives and wellbeing of its customers and staff. It also covers small businesses who suffer a proportionally significant financial loss from a single power cut and those where the main point of contact has an impairment or communication need requiring adjustments to ensure all communication is accessible.
On the right, you can see the area covered by the UK Power networks.