At Tratos, we are committed to protecting the human rights of all our colleagues and of everyone who receives direct or indirect services from us. As a responsible, ethical organisation, we fully support the principles of the Human Rights Act and all associated legislation.
Our responsibility for human rights encompasses:
- Our operating sites — we will uphold the human rights of all employees, visitors and contractors at our offices, factories and facilities
- Our supply chain — it is our aspiration to ensure that working conditions throughout our supply chain meet internationally accepted standards of human rights and working conditions
- Our customers — it is our aspiration to ensure that working conditions of our customers meet internationally accepted standards of human rights and working conditions This policy statement has been developed with reference to the following documents:
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Modern Slavery Act 2015
- The Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code KEY PRINCIPLES Child Labour We will not employ workers under the legal minimum age for work as stipulated by the Employment Act 2008. Forced Labour We will not make use of any forced labour or debt-bondage labour in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Discrimination We will not discriminate against any person based on their protected characteristics,and will uphold Article 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998 in respect of protection from discrimination. Discipline We will not employ, or allow to be employed, any form of corporate punishment, physical coercion or verbal abuse. Any disciplinary matter will be dealt with through formal procedures. Working Hours Working time directives will be adhered to as per the Working Time Regulations 1998 with opt-out clauses publicised to staff.
Wages paid for standard working hours will meet or exceed national minimum wage or living wage levels as appropriate.
Social Responsibility
Conserving and protecting the environment is a principle of high importance. We shall not engage in activities that have unacceptable risks and such risks shall be identified as early as possible with a view to facilitating timely and appropriate actions.
We shall seek to avoid methods of operation which give rise to environmental risks where there are suitable alternatives available and shall endeavour, within our remit, to ensure our clients and supply chain strive for environmentally positive options whenever possible.
We shall adopt systems which allow the impact of our work on the environment and communities to be evaluated and considered with a view to minimizing any negative impact.
Issue 2 – Rev. 2023-06-27 – Next Rev. June 2026

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TRATOS Policies, Procedures and Statements
Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights, Anti-Slavery, Dignity at Work policies and more: A great company is defined as much by how it does things as what it does. When a company is set up specifically to help people, as Tratos was, enlightened governance, its procedures and policies are fiercely upheld.