Governance: The key to doing great things well.

“The values that make a good man or woman extraordinary are the same as those that make a good company outstanding.
“No one arrives in business knowing everything. Most of us know what’s right and what’s wrong. The best businesses are led by those who embrace continuous learning, who identify best practice as it emerges, have strong values and commit to live them.
“More than 50 years ago Tratos’ values were a forerunner of today’s pillars of corporate governance. They are as relevant today.“
The ruins of a Tuscany village sparked a global business with a good heart.
This shattered WWII community was the focus of one man’s longing for home. It sparked his determination to put things right and ambition to re-build home, prosperity and security. He built Tratos to bring his homeland back from the brink. He built it to create jobs, house and feed families and he gave it a name that put it at the heart of a rescued community. “TRA” “TOS” (Trafileria Toscana) – named after a copper wire drawing mill.
Fairness, respect and sharing are founding principles that have stayed with the company; great gifts from an honourable man.
Egidio Capaccini, Tratos founder: one good man with one vision, great values and a mission that has stood the test of time. Tratos still lives that vision, values and mission. Great governance is part of his legacy.
Tratos Board Launches Highest-level Governance Strategy
Tratos’ board has fully embraced the highest standards of governance by fully adopting the Code of Conduct for public appointment. A Queen’s Award-winning company built on innovation and quality, this latest move toward even more far-reaching governance best practice was launched as a primary goal within the company’s lead sustainability strategy in 2021.
TRATOS Policies, Procedures and Statements
Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights, Anti-Slavery, Dignity at Work policies and more: A great company is defined as much by how it does things as what it does. When a company is set up specifically to help people, as Tratos was, enlightened governance, its procedures and policies are fiercely upheld.
TRATOS Mission
Tratos’ mission is to innovate change for good; from the factory door to the other side of the world.
“Our founder Egidio Capaccini left a strong legacy and direction for this company. The family behind Tratos has had a lot to live up to. We strive to deliver that mission every day.”
Since its foundation, Tratos has dedicated itself to the development of cables to keep this shared-world moving, demanding faster, tougher, more efficient, sustainable and technologically advanced performance every day.
Tratos adopted 17 Global Goals of The United Nations as part of its Culture. Tratos does more than simply ‘support’ the Goals though – it is working to deliver them every day.
TRATOS Culture
Leadership by example is a clear invitation for others to strive to be the best they can be. Continuous learning is part of the Tratos culture, and it starts at the top. Tratos CEO and other members of the senior team studied for their MBAs at London Business School, (formerly Cass), and all board members have now embarked on route to achieving Institute of Directors’ chartered directorship accreditation.
TRATOS Academy
The Tratos Academy is driven by the company’s commitment to people development. Investment in people is the foremost way to deliver success for the people and the business in a rapidly changing market. Consequently Tratos has made a significant investment in establishing and developing the Tratos Academy.
TRATOS Strategy
In 2019, Tratos launched its first integrated sustainability strategy following on from years of sustainability and environmental advances. In 2021 the company pledged to strengthen its Sustainability Strategy and drive even more advances.