Independent advanced cable technology manufacturer Tratos has secured ISO – 14067 accreditation for reducing its carbon footprint, the company’s president announced this week.
Albano Bragagni said he was delighted to report formal recognition for the company’s latest sustainability gains from the International Standards Organisation and revealed that the company had plenty more to offer in terms of other measures to make its own and customers’ businesses greener and cleaner.
President Bragagni went on to stress the importance with which securing sustainability is now held, adding that he was gladdened to see customers, consumers, shareholders, business, nations and communities starting to pull together as never before. He said that increasing concerns around environmental impacts had to be welcomed wholesale – and solutions delivered – and he was proud that Tratos was one of the technology companies leading the fight to switch to cleaner energy and more sustainable practices.

Tratos now holds the standard for products’ carbon footprint, ISO 14067, but ahead of the announcement the company had already partnered with Spanish standards agency AENOR to develop and build technology to measure, and so manage, companies’ own individual carbon footprints.
President Bragagni said the world was presented with a unique opportunity and companies such as his own, with advanced engineering skills, were well placed to help turn the tide on environment-damaging emissions. Tratos’ carbon footprint verification allows the company to demonstrate its environmental responsibility, stand out from the competition and show existing and potential customers proof of its commitment to sustainability.
Tratos CEO Dr Maurizio Bragagni added his welcome for the new accreditation which follows the company’s decision to fully adopt – and help deliver – the UN’s 17 sustainability goals.
The new standard builds on the existing ISO standards for life cycle assessments (ISO 14040/44) and environmental labels and declarations (ISO 14025).