- GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
- GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
- GOAL 13: Climate Action
- GOAL 14: Life Below Water
- GOAL 15: Life on Land
Tratos makes innovative, advanced cables that connect people worldwide. The company works to bring greener, cleaner, sustainable and accessible solutions to every industry sector it manufactures for, from ports and marine to mass transit and communications. It also recycles – both for itself and customers. Its measures to reduce waste include auditing old stock at client depots to ensure that tested, useable materials go back into the system, saving money and resources.
It is active in reducing its own carbon footprint and operates a large-scale tree-planting programme to off-set impacts. It has partnered Aenor, the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification, to develop technology to help companies measure – and so manage – their individual carbon footprints.
The company’s workplaces are run to the highest Health and Safety standards and it invests in the continuous professional development of its people. Tratos’ economic successes benefit colleagues and local communities – the company ploughs profits back into creating jobs in deprived areas, places a ceiling on its directors salaries and shareholders don’t receive dividends. It also uses profits to fund ground-breaking R&D that delivers sustainability and environmental advances and senior team members involve themselves in ‘blue sky’ innovation sessions aimed at tackling big environmental issues such as the development of lean mobility. Every day Tratos is working to find better solutions that help turn the tide for climate change. Those solutions are benefitting the planet whilst helping grow a cleaner economic environment. Tratos’ sustainability practices are in action across construction, infrastructure from rail, shipping, ports, power, green energy and nuclear fusion to defence, aviation, construction, communications and roads. The company’s new sustainability strategy launched in January 2021.
Quality Management Systems – ISO 9001
Tratos’ quality management system has been audited and approved by two independent, international authorities, BSI (UK) and AENOR-IQNET (E), in accordance with the ISO 9001.
Environmental Policy – ISO 14001
Tratos’ environmental management system has been audited and approved by two independent, international authorities, BSI (UK) and AENOR-IQNET (E), in accordance with ISO 1400.
Towards Net Zero Emissions
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas, accounting for 81% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, while 87% of all human-produced carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. Tratos has in place standards and policies to reduce the CO2 emissions as well as to calculate the CO2 emissions and to mitigate their impact by planting trees, as well as using clean energy sources.
Health and Safety – ISO 45001
Tratos’ health and safety systems have been audited and approved by the international authority AENOR-IQNET (E), in accordance with ISO 45001.