Tratos’ Bragagni Continues To Lead On CPD and received the IoD’s Highly Commended Director of the Year for Innovation
The Institute of Directors’ Award for Innovation is the latest recognition for Tratos’ CEO and Chair and, he says, a sign that leading by example, and introducing an Academy to promote CPD is working.
Tratos’ Dr Maurizio Bragagni is a passionate advocate of CPD for the company’s staff and a long-standing champion of continual learning.
He said: “We have to keep educating and re-skilling ourselves. The era of ‘job for life’ careers is over, but this new age offers considerably more possibilities for those who are active and engaged in keeping themselves fit-for-work as the workplace changes.”
Dr Bragagni’s learning has to be accommodated around a busy working life, but he has found time to add a Masters in Business Administration from Cass Business School, London, and has just finished an Institute of Directors finance course.
Making time to study has been an important step in Dr Bragagni’s life and he wants others within the company to embrace lifelong learning and the enrichment and pleasure it brings.
*Dr Bragagni leads one of the most successful independent global cable manufacturers which, this year, received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation – another success for the Academy.
He recently successfully completed all four modular examinations to be awarded the IoD’s Certificate in Company Direction.