Tratos Ltd – UK manufacturer of electric and fibre optic cables – is able to offer a wide range of cable solutions for use in demanding Oil & Gas and Marine applications.
These typically challenging environments call for exceptional durability from all equipment, especially cabling that may be permanently open to the elements or used alongside heavy duty, industrial equipment that could cause damage. Furthermore, the cables need to be 100% reliable and safe if they are to be used in hazardous areas.
Tratos cables suitable for Oil, Gas and Marine applications include 657*TQ Un-armoured fixed shipboard cable for open decks; 658*TQ Armoured offshore cable for fixed installation on open deck and offshore applications; both IEC 60332 UKOOA and IEC 60332/BS6883 Mobile & fixed wiring on ships; and, for applications where safety from toxic gases and smoke is paramount, RFOU & BFOU Power and instrumentation, LSHF, mud and flame Cable.
In addition to cables suitable for Oil, Gas and Marine sites, Tratos also provide High Temperature Cables, Fire Resistant Cables and Tratos Armaflex for maximum protection.