Tratos® SNE – SPLIT CONCENTRIC Cable – PVC sheat
SNE (Separate Neutral & Earth) Aluminium Split Concentric cables are Low Voltage service cables for use by the Distribution Network Operators (DNO's) and Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNO's) for the final connection to buildings. Split neutral and earth copper wire concentric cable PVC, BS7870-3.21
Tratos® SNE Split Concentric Cable– 0.6/1 KV – PVC SHEATH. LV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities for connection to buildings.
Specifications for SNE service Split Concentric Cable with PVC sheath to BS 7870 3.21:
- Conductor – solid round aluminium (Class 1) or stranded plain copper (class 2).
- Insulation phase conductors – XLPE Type DIX 3 conforming to the requirements given in BS 7870-1 annex B.
- Concentric conductor – plain annealed copper neutral and earth.
- Covering on neutral conductor – blue polymeric material
- Oversheath – PVC Type DMZ 23 conforming to the requirements given in BS 7870-1 annex B.
- Colour – Black (other colours can be supplied on request).
- Core Colours: 1 core – Brown. 3 core – Brown, Black, Grey.
- Voltage rating Uo/U 0.6/1kv.
- Split concentric cables are designed for a maximum continuous conductor temperature of 90 deg C and a maximum short circuit temperature of 250 deg C.
Standard sizes available (other sizes available on request) for the SNE Split Concentric Cable are:
Aluminium conductors:
- 25mm single and 3 core.
- 35mm single and 3 core.
Copper conductors:
- 4mm single core.
- 16mm single and 3 core.
- 25mm single and 3 core.
- BS 780-3-21 (implements Part 5S of HD 603 S1 A2)
- BS 7870-1
- BS EN 60228
Contact us:
Tel: +44 20 3148 5178
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need additional information about our products.
Low Voltage service cable for use by the Distribution Network Operators (DNO's) and Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNO's) for the final connection to buildings.CONSTRUCTION
- Conductor: stranded plain annealed copper (Class 2 or solid aluminium (Class 1)
- Insulation phase conductors: XLPE Type DIX 3
- Assembly of cores: 3 phase cables cores laid up Bedding – 3 phase cables only – tape
- Concentric neutral and earth conductor: blue polymeric covered neutral wires and plain annealed copper earth wires
- Oversheath: PVC Type DMV 23
- Colour: Black (other colours can be supplied on request)
- Marking: TRATOS ELECTRIC CABLE 600/1000V BS 7870-3.21 (N x mm2) (YYYY)
Technical Specifications
- Conductor: Stranded copper (class 2) or solid aluminium (class 1) to BS EN 60228
- Insulation: XLPE type DIX 3 to BS 7870-1, Annex B.
- Sheath: LSZH type DMZ 4 to BS 7870-1, Annex B.
Contact us
Please, don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information on our company or our products.
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