CW 1572 BT range of specification details the requirements for 2, 4, 8 and 12 fibre Enhanced Performance Fibre Unit (EPFU) for use in transmission systems operating at nominal wavelengths of 850nm and 1300nm. The complete units are typically installed by the blowing technique both horizontally and vertically after installation of the Unit the tubing is not pressurised.
Tratos Fibre CW 1572 BT cables are of bundled unit construction, the required number of colour-coded multi-mode fibres are assembled then tightly encapsulated in an acrylate before being covered in a polyamide outer sheath. The bundled units contain aramide strength members and rip cords to aid stripping when terminating.
The robust polyamide sheath used by Tratos ensures outstanding pliability and protection combined with a special surface texture in accordance with CW 1572.
Tratos Fibre CW 1572 BT cables are of reduced fire hazard construction meeting the acidic gas requirements of BS EN 60754-2 with a Toxicity Index less than 5 when tested in accordance with NES 713.
The transmission applications for these multimode optical fibres cables are for systems operating with nominal wavelengths of 850nm and 1300nm optimised for operation in the 1300nm wavelength region and provide a specified transmission capability in the 850nm wavelength region.
The Multi-Mode fibre meets or exceeds the requirements of BT Specification CW 1557 (UTI-T G651)
Tratos uses Prysmian multi-mode fibres to manufacture the Optical Fibre Cables supplied to BT (British Telecom).
Tratos Fibre CW 1572 BT cables meet or exceed the requirements of CW 1572.
All of the polymeric materials used in the construction of cables for BT are RoHS compliant and meet or exceed the requirements of BT Specification CW1500-8 and MDHS 14/3.
BT Specifications:
- CW 1572 Design guide
- CW1557
- CW1568
- CW1803
- CW 1500-4
- CW 1500-8
- CW 2000
- BT Drwg 30721
- BT Drwg 30723
- BT Drwg 30808
- BS EN 60754-2
- ITU-T G651
- Naval Engineering Standard NES 713

Contact us:
Tel: +44 20 3148 5178
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need additional information about our products.
Enhanced Performance Fibre Unit (EPFU) cable specifically designed for installation with blowing technique both horizontally and vertically within buildings where special Reaction to Fire Performance is required.CONSTRUCTION
- Graded Index Multi Mode CW1557/UTI-T G651 Fibre
- Tight acrylate encapsulation
- Aramid strength member
- Rip Cords
- Polyamide Outer sheath
Technical Specifications
- Graded Index Multi Mode fibre (ITU-T G651).
- These cables are for use in transmission systems operating over the wavelength range 850nm to 1300nm.
- Operating temperatures between -20°C and +60°C
- Fire Performance
- Degree of Acidity – Weighted pH value not less than 4.3 and the weighted conductivity less than 10µS/mm
- Toxicity Index – The value for Toxicity Index less than 5 when expressed in terms of 100g of material.
Contact us
Please, don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information on our company or our products.
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