Internal or External 1 FO Picbreakout
Tratos introduces a new family of optical cables for last-mile FTTH broadband network cabling. Very compact to fit into small conduits and building floor access points. Extremely flexible small diameter cables in combination with miniaturised cable accessories The PICO Breakout cable can be made up into a MINI Breakout cable with 4, 12 or 24 PICO Breakout cables covered overall by an LSZH outer sheath.
Tratos bespoke PICO Breakout cables are produced using advanced-performance materials from OFS, a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of innovative fibre optic network solutions.
The products retain all the performance benefits of OFS’ AllWave Zero Water Peak (ZWP) Fibre, the first fibre to eliminate the water peak defect found in conventional fibre, due to OFS’ patented ZWP fibre manufacturing process, which eliminates hydrogen-aging defects.
The ultra-low fibre Polarisation Mode Dispersion (PMD) enables speed and distance upgrades and the cables meet and exceeds both ITU-T G.657-A2 and G.652.D recommendations and International Standard IEC 60793-2-50 specifications.
Tratos PICO Breakout cables are flame retardant, have low smoke and toxic gas emission meeting the requirements of classification Cca of the CPD for cables installed in buildings using metal free designs, rodent resistant versions are also available.
Tratos PICO Breakout cables can be easily blown or pulled through existing conduits or ducts without damage.
Tratos PICO Breakout cables are available in Internal and Reinforced Outdoor versions.
- IEC 60332-1-2
- IEC 60754-1 & 2
- IEC 60793-2-50
- EN 50265
- EN 50575
- ITU-T G657A2

Contact us:
Tel: +44 20 3148 5178
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need additional information about our products.
Tratos’ internal PICO Breakout cables are specially designed for use inside buildings to connect individual properties. Tratos’ reinforced outdoor PICO Breakout cables are specially designed for use external to the building where a more rugged cable is required. The cables themselves are highly flexible, even with the added protective reinforcement designed into the cable, allowing the horizontal drop cables to be easily pulled through existing ducts without damage.CONSTRUCTION
- ITU-T G657A2 fibre
- Tight acrylate coating
- Strength member
- LSZH sheath
Contact us
Please, don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information on our company or our products.
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