TRATOS® RFOU P2/P9 – 3.6kV / 6 kV
TRATOS® RFOU P3/P10 – 6kV / 10 kV

CU/EPR/ZERO HAL/TCWB/EVA – Halogen Free & MUD Resistant
- Nominal Voltage: 3 .6/6 kV 6/10 kV
- Design and Construction: IEC 60092-354; IEC 60502
- Nominal Voltage: 3 .6/6 kV 6/10 kV
- Maximal Rated Temperature: 90o C
- Flame Retardancy: IEC 60332-1; IEC 60332-3-22**
- Corrosivity: IEC 60754-1; IEC 60754-2
- Smoke Density: IEC 61034-2
- MUD Resistance: NEK 606:2009; IEC 61892-4 Annex D
- CSA C22 .2 No 38-95 Cold bend and Impact test (-40oC) (on request)

Contact us:
Tel: +44 20 3148 5178
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need additional information about our products.
B2 Rubber Medium Tension Cable
EPR Medium Tension Cable Spanish
I4 Power and Signalling Cables Low Smoke
O3 Instrumentation Cables ENI18100 BS 5308
R4 Power and Signalling Cables
- Conductor: tinned copper IEC 60228 class 2*
- Conductor screen: semiconducting layer
- Insulation: halogen-free HEPR compound
- Insulation screen: semiconducting layer • Screen: tinned copper wire braid according to IEC 60092-352
- Bedding: halogen-free compound
- Armour: tinned copper wire braid
- Outer sheath: SHF2 thermoset compound halogen free & MUD resistant
- Sheath colour: red (other colours available on request)
Contact us
Please, don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information on our company or our products.
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