Tratos Track Feeder Cables – according to Transport for London (TfL) Underground standard
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Track Feeder Cables for Railways and Underground applications
BS EN 61034 – Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions.
BS EN 61034 Is a multipart standard that details of the test apparatus to be used, the test procedure to be employed, for measuring smoke emission when electric or optical fibre cables are burnt under defined conditions,
(IEC 61034-1:2005)
Part 1 gives details of the test apparatus and verification procedure to be used for the measurement of smoke density of the products of combustion when electric or fibre cables burnt under defined conditions. It includes details of a test enclosure of 27m3 volume, (more commonly known as the 3 metre cube) a photometric system for light measurement, the fire source, smoke mixing method and a qualification procedure. Annex A gives guidance on various aspects of the test apparatus which may be useful when first constructing the test enclosure.
(IEC 61034-2:2005)
Part 2 gives the test procedure, it describes the means of preparing and assembling cables for test, the method of burning the cables, and gives recommended requirements for evaluating test results, together with an informative annex giving recommended requirements for compliance where no specified requirement is given in the particular cable standard or specification.
The measurement of smoke density is an important aspect in the evaluation of the burning performance of cables as it is related to the evacuation of persons and accessibility for firefighting.
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Track Feeder Cables for Railways and Underground applications
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Signalling Cables for Railways Applications
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Signalling Cables for Railways Applications
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Track Feeder Cables for Railways and Underground applications
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