Project: Copenhagen Underground
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Company: Ansaldo Energia
Tratos & Ansaldo Energia cooperation
Tratos has supplied Ansaldo Energia with several kilometres of Tratos Firesafe Cables for the expansion of the Copenhagen metro network in 2003.
Ansaldo Energia
Ansaldo Energia is a leading international player in the power generation industry, to which it brings an integrated model embracing turnkey power plants construction, power equipment (gas & steam turbines, generators and microturbines), manufacturing and services and nuclear activities.
Ansaldo Energia is active as full service provider with a broad portfolio on heavy duty gas turbines offering complete maintenance solutions on power generation rotating equipment and plants, built both by itself or by other OEMs.
Their mission is to deliver innovative, proven, state-of-the-art, flexible solutions for the power generation industry, aimed at increasing the Customer’s value.
At present, Ansaldo Energia SpA is 88% owned by Cdp Equity in the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, an Italian state-owned entity which has been promoting the country’s economy since 1850, and 12% by Shanghai Electric, the world-leading producer of power generation machinery and mechanical equipment.
Ansaldo Energia currently employs over 4,500 people and has an international presence through local companies and branch offices in Italy, where Group headquarters and Ansaldo Nucleare are, in China with the two joint ventures Ansaldo Gas Turbine Technology and Shanghai Electric Gas Turbine, in Switzerland with Ansaldo Energia Switzerland, in the Netherlands with Ansaldo Thomassen, in the United Kingdom with Ansaldo Nuclear Ltd, in Russia with Ansaldo Energia Russia, in the United Arab Emirates with Ansaldo Thomassen Gulf (Abu Dhabi) and finally, in the United States, where Power System Manufacturing has its corporate headquarters. The broad-based presence allows the group to quickly react to customers’ needs and to better offer them its rich value proposition.
Did you know?
The importance of sustainable transport for countries in special situations is also recognized by the international community, through the Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs, the Vienna Programme of Action for the LLDCs, the SAMOA Pathway for SIDS, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the New Urban Agenda.
In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sustainable transport is mainstreamed across several SDGs and targets, especially those related to food security, health, energy, economic growth, infrastructure, and cities and human settlements.
The importance of transport for climate action is further recognized under the UNFCCC – the transport sector will be playing a particularly important role in the achievement of the Paris Agreement, given the fact close to a quarter of energy-related global greenhouse gas emissions come from transport and that these emissions are projected to grow substantially in the years to come.
Tratos is long committed to supporting sustainable transport and the UN Global Goals related to the transport, such as Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, and Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.
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