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Tratos OHC CFCC (Carbon Fiber Composite Conductors) – Overhead Conductor
Energy Cables / Overhead Conductor Cables Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / Overhead Conductor Cables DNO
Tratos Track Feeder Cables – according to Network Rail Standard
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Track Feeder Cables for Railways and Underground applications
Tratos Skywrap – Optical Attached Cable
Telecommunication Cables / Optical Fibres Cables / UK Telecom Fibre Optic Cables Telecommunication Cables / Optical Fibres Cables / Wrap Cables
Special Cables / Renewable Energy Cables Special Cables / Submarine Cables Telecommunication Cables / Optical Fibres Cables / Telecom Italia Fibre
Tratos® SINGLE and TRIPLEX – 11 kV
BS 7870-4.10 and WPD EE82
for Western Power Distribution
Energy Cables / Medium Voltage Cables - MV / MV Energy Cables BS Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / MV Energy Cables DNO
TRATOS® MTO-RF HighVision – Reflective & Fluorescent Cable for Mining
Energy Cables / Medium Voltage Cables - MV / MV Energy Cables IEC Special Cables / Renewable Energy Cables Special Cables / Submarine Cables
TRATOS® HV – 76 kV to 132 kV – (145 kV) – CU/XLPE/AT/HDPE
Energy Cables / High Voltage Cables - HV Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / HV Energy Cables DNO
Tratos® Triplex 11 kV cable
for DNO BS 7870 – 4.10
Energy Cables / Medium Voltage Cables - MV / MV Energy Cables BS Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / MV Energy Cables DNO
TRATOS® HV – 87kV to 150kV cable – (170kV) – CU/XLPE/AT/HDPE
Energy Cables / High Voltage Cables - HV Energy Cables / DNO Approved Cables / HV Energy Cables DNO
TRATOSMART AMP – Shore Power Cable
Tratos Tidal Power Cable
Special Cables / Renewable Energy Cables Special Cables / Submarine Cables
Tratos Superconductor Cable for Fusion for Energy Application
Special Cables / Cables Tailor Made Special Cables / Fusion for Energy
TRATOS ASNZS MTO-241® – from 1,1/1,1 to 11/11 kV
Special Cables / Mining and Tunneling Cables / Tratos AS/NZS Mining Cables
TRATOS Railway Signalling Rubber Cable – Type A, B, C, D and E
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Signalling Cables for Railways Applications
TRATOSAviation® – 400Hz – Aircraft Ground Power Supply Cable
TRATOS® EV RF – Reflective & Fluorescent – Electric Vehicle Charging Cable
TRATOSDEDALUS® – PV20 Solar cable for photovoltaic installations
Tratos Track Feeder Cables – according to Transport for London (TfL) Underground standard
Special Cables / Railways & Mass Transit Cables / Track Feeder Cables for Railways and Underground applications